Screen Gems Storylines














“In the old days”, before episode guides were widely used, TV studios produced “storyline manuals” for their shows. Yes, we have the “original” Father Knows Best Screen Gems Storylines for you right here!


WARNING: this is meant for die-hard fans only, everyone else please use the episode guides in the menu!

This thing is so massive that it has been saved in 5 PDF files.  The storylines are on green paper as seen to the right, but when you download them, they will be in black and white, in case you want to print them out.  You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to download these files.  Good Luck!





Storyline Episodes 1-52

Storyline Episodes 53-91

Storylines Episodes 92-130

Storyline Episodes 131-186

Storyline Episodes 187-203